※ Nuage introduction

    In recent years, molecular identification of the components of these germ cell substances has revealed that the molecular components overlap somewhat and thus germ plasm/granule and nuage have at times been treated as largely equivalent (1). In primary oocytes of some animals, maternal germ plasm first assembles within an ancient perinuclear oocyte structure known as the Balbiani body and later is found at the oocyte cortex, the posterior pole in some insects or the vegetal pole of some vertebrates. Nuage is the perinuclear granulo-fibrillar electron-dense material that has been identified through histological and ultrastructural examination of oocytes from invertebrates through vertebrates and that is present in various conformations in cells of the male and female gametes (1).

1. Marlow, F. (2015) Primordial Germ Cell Specification and Migration. F1000Res, 16;4. PMID: 26918157

Nuage  in eukaryotes (Total number, Predicted number):

  Ailuropoda melanoleuca (4, 4)   Anas platyrhynchos (2, 2)   Anolis carolinensis (3, 3)
  Aotus nancymaae (4, 4)   Astyanax mexicanus (3, 3)   Bos taurus (4, 4)
  Caenorhabditis elegans (1, 1)   Callithrix jacchus (4, 4)   Canis familiaris (3, 3)
  Carlito syrichta (4, 4)   Cavia porcellus (3, 3)   Cercocebus atys (4, 4)
  Chlorocebus sabaeus (4, 4)   Ciona intestinalis (2, 2)   Danio rerio (4, 4)
  Dipodomys ordii (3, 3)   Drosophila melanogaster (2, 1)   Equus caballus (4, 4)
  Felis catus (4, 4)   Ficedula albicollis (4, 4)   Fukomys damarensis (3, 3)
  Gallus gallus (3, 3)   Gasterosteus aculeatus (4, 4)   Gorilla gorilla (3, 3)
  Homo sapiens (4, 3)   Ictalurus punctatus (4, 4)   Ictidomys tridecemlineatus (4, 4)
  Latimeria chalumnae (3, 3)   Lepisosteus oculatus (4, 4)   Loxodonta africana (2, 2)
  Macaca fascicularis (4, 4)   Macaca mulatta (4, 4)   Macaca nemestrina (4, 4)
  Mandrillus leucophaeus (4, 4)   Meleagris gallopavo (2, 2)   Mesocricetus auratus (3, 3)
  Monodelphis domestica (4, 4)   Mustela putorius furo (3, 3)   Mus musculus (3, 1)
  Myotis lucifugus (3, 3)   Nomascus leucogenys (4, 4)   Oreochromis niloticus (2, 2)
  Ornithorhynchus anatinus (4, 4)   Oryctolagus cuniculus (4, 4)   Oryzias latipes (4, 4)
  Otolemur garnettii (4, 4)   Ovis aries (4, 4)   Pan paniscus (4, 4)
  Pan troglodytes (4, 4)   Papio anubis (4, 4)   Pelodiscus sinensis (4, 4)
  Poecilia formosa (4, 4)   Pongo abelii (3, 3)   Rattus norvegicus (3, 3)
  Rhinopithecus bieti (4, 4)   Sarcophilus harrisii (4, 4)   Scleropages formosus (3, 3)
  Scophthalmus maximus (4, 4)   Sus scrofa (4, 4)   Taeniopygia guttata (4, 4)
  Takifugu rubripes (3, 3)   Tetraodon nigroviridis (1, 1)   Tursiops truncatus (1, 1)
  Ursus maritimus (3, 3)   Xenopus tropicalis (3, 3)   Xiphophorus maculatus (4, 4)